esports gibraltar

identity creation
apparel design
Esports Gibraltar is Gibraltar's national esports team, competing internationally across various games.

Ahead of their participation in the 2022 Global Esports Games, we were tasked with reimagining Esports Gibraltar's visual identity.
The inspiration for the crest was drawn from Gibraltar's national flag, specifically its three-towered red castle, representing the fortress of Gibraltar.

The final design features a warrior's helmet, symbolizing Esports Gibraltar's tenacity and insatiable desire to win. A battlement sits atop the helmet, consisting of four crenels and five merlons, weaving Gibraltarian heritage and identity into the design.
Produced by Raven, the jerseys feature a bespoke Digi-camo all-over print pattern that has been developed to mimic the texture of the world-famous Rock of Gibraltar.
The identity's aggressive personality and moody palette resonate with the team and their ambition to achieve success on the international stage.
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